Write down the Features you miss. Try to provide your E-Mail adress for further questions on your request.
A search should be possible at the text behind the notes. With this feature Xebece will be more usefull as a Document Management System. -- SimonSchwarz? - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de)
The "Knoteneigenschaften", "Anhänge verwalten" and "Schriften" Toolbar should be dockable at the top or bottom of the window. -- SimonSchwarz? - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de)
It will be a usefull feature if it is possible to create profiles for nodes. For example you have the nodes Math, German and English for school subjects. As childnode you need for everyone of them Homeworks, Worksheets, Examples. It is much more comfortable to create them only once, make a profile for childnodes out of them and then use it for the other two subjects. -- SimonSchwarz? - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de)