Xebece Wiki

Welcome to the home of TWiki.Xebece. This Wiki is provided to you in order to share informations, documentation and examples for the Xebece project. You are allowed to freely contribute to this Wiki. If you have a cool example or screenshot that you would like to share with others, then please feel free to upload it to this Wiki. Please don't add crap to the Wiki, otherwise I would see myself forced to impose a registration/authentication system on the Wiki. If you don't know how what a Wiki is or how you can edit stuff in it, I suggest you have a look at the TWiki User Guide?.

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All about the name

You might wonder what Xebece means and how it is pronounced correctly. Ok here we go: Xebece originally is written Xebeche, this was just a typo in the project registration process. But somehow I find this even better. Xebeche is the name of an Indian in the great anti-western movie Dead Man and means He who talks loud saying nothing. It is correctly prounounced Eksebedschi. A friend suggested the pronounciation (in german) Ätschebädschi which is kinda funny.

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Revision r1.9 - 21 Mar 2005 - 19:38 - Main.guest