TWiki . Xebece .
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---+ List of Requested Features Write down the Features you miss. Try to provide your E-Mail adress for further questions on your request. * A search should be possible at the text behind the nodes. With this feature Xebece will be more useful as a Document Management System. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de) * The "Knoteneigenschaften", "Anhänge verwalten" and "Schriften" Toolbar should be dockable at the top or bottom of the window. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de) * It will be a useful feature if it is possible to create profiles for nodes. For example you have the nodes Math, German and English for school subjects. As childnode you need for everyone of them Homeworks, Worksheets, Examples. It is much more comfortable to create them only once, make a profile for childnodes out of them and then use it for the other two subjects. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de) * Multiple connections will be useful for mindmaps. You've often nodes which refering to more than one other node. So it won't be as much work creating two links as creating two indentical nodes. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de) * It should be possible to see how the Text in the information panel is formatted. If i get a Xebece document from another person I have to guess the size of the text. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 22 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de) * If I click on the "New Document"-button the program should ask me if the unsaved changes of the opened document should be deleted. At this time it opens a new document without saving. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 22 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de) * *BUG?*: It isn't possible to scroll down the text boxes, this makes it impossible to write longer texts. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 28 Jul 2005(s.sch- at gmx.de) * It would be a great feature if i can insert links in texts which are directing to another node, if possible it will be great if this connection is displayed in some way in the graphical view. -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 22 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de) -- Main.SimonSchwarz - 21 Jul 2005 (s.sch- at gmx.de)
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