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---+ Xebece Wiki Welcome to the home of <b>%WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB%</b>. This Wiki is provided to you in order to share informations, documentation and examples for the Xebece project. You are allowed to freely contribute to this Wiki. If you have a cool example or screenshot that you would like to share with others, then please feel free to upload it to this Wiki. *Please don't add crap to the Wiki*, otherwise I would see myself forced to impose a registration/authentication system on the Wiki. If you don't know how what a Wiki is or how you can edit stuff in it, I suggest you have a look at the [[TWiki.WebHome#TWiki_User_s_Guide][TWiki User Guide]]. ---++ Available Sections * [[XebeceUserGuide][The Xebece User Guide]] * XebeceFiles examples, templates, background images, ... * XebeceScreenshots screenshots of all kinds * XebeceFeatureRequests for Features you miss in Xebece ---++ All about the name You might wonder what Xebece means and how it is pronounced correctly. Ok here we go: Xebece originally is written Xebeche, this was just a typo in the project registration process. But somehow I find this even better. _Xebeche_ is the name of an Indian in the great anti-western movie _Dead Man_ and means _He who talks loud saying nothing_. It is correctly prounounced _Eksebedschi_. A friend suggested the pronounciation (in german) _Ätschebädschi_ which is kinda funny. <!-- ---++ Site Tools of the %WEB% Web %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.WebSiteTools"}% *Notes:* %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.YouAreHere"}% %INCLUDE{"%TWIKIWEB%.SiteMap"}% -->
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